
How to create the perfect copy?


The copy on your site describes the who, what, when, where and why of your company. It should answer all the questions a client may have and make them eager to do business with you. Memorable copy will make an impression on the reader and cause them to feel a sense of trust and familiarity with your brand.

So how do we achieve this?

We write worthy words
Valuable content must be relevant, engaging and efficient, portraying the personality of your company, its purpose and mission.

We follow a logical structure
One topic must follow smoothly to the next, effortlessly addressing all aspects of the consumer’s needs as their questions arise.

We aim to inspire and delight
It’s not enough to simply inform the customer; we want them to form a lasting friendship with your company, and tell all their friends about you, growing your stance in the community. That’s why our copy is about more than words on a page, it’s about your customer’s emotional needs.

Script Samurais have a wealth of experience in print and digital copywriting and publishing. We create compelling material such as training manuals, letters, brochures, blogs, articles and other content which are search engine friendly and a bloody good read. We are focused on listening to you and communicating the core messages of your business. Message us below for a quote and a cup of coffee on us.

Copywriting: it isn't all Greek to us...